What needs to happen for it to happen?

What needs to happen for it to happen?

What needs to happen for it to happen? When I think of taking action, I always think about Einstein’s definition of insanity.  He says that insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting to get a different result.  So true!  And how often do we all...

Ever feel like throttling someone?

Ever feel like throttling someone? Anger (sometimes we label it as being irritated, frustrated and/or annoyed) is a normal and healthy emotion but it’s important to deal with it in constructive ways. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and...

Do you listen to learn?

Do you listen to learn? Last week we explored the difference between hearing and listening; we can hear by simply perceiving sounds with the ear whereas listening is an active process that requires active attention.  It’s a highly sought after skill and, fortunately,...
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