Last week, I challenged you to track your most precious non-renewable resource… your time. Every minute is a precious life unit. What did you discover that you are doing with yours? We need to chart our time carefully if we want to take our power back and get into the...
What needs to happen for it to happen? When I think of taking action, I always think about Einstein’s definition of insanity. He says that insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting to get a different result. So true! And how often do we all...
It is what it is I’ve been somewhat speechless and disturbed since the announcement that Trump is now the President of the USA. And it is not really for the reasons you might think. It is not because I am disturbed that we now have one of the world’s major powers in...
Ever feel like throttling someone? Anger (sometimes we label it as being irritated, frustrated and/or annoyed) is a normal and healthy emotion but it’s important to deal with it in constructive ways. Uncontrolled anger can take a toll on both your health and...
Do you listen to learn? Last week we explored the difference between hearing and listening; we can hear by simply perceiving sounds with the ear whereas listening is an active process that requires active attention. It’s a highly sought after skill and, fortunately,...