Goal setting: An underestimate superpower Goal setting might be our most important work as leaders If you have strong, compelling goals written down for the next 2 to 5 years, you’ve set yourself apart from the vast 95% of the population. If you’ve also created a...
The 6 P’s That Zap Your Personal Power: How to Recognise and Reclaim Your Strength As leaders, professionals, and human beings, we’re all striving for a sense of balance, fulfilment and impact. I hear this quest every day in the leadership programmes I...
In the southern hemisphere, spring has sprung. It’s my favourite time of year and one where I always put in some extra effort to really spring clean my mind. It should be a top priority for all of us. You are the architect of your mind, and you are with yourself 24/7....
The Transformative Power of a Growth Mindset: How It Rewires Your Brain Believing that you’re on a path towards improvement, even if that path involves both successes and failures, is what it means to have a growth mindset. It opens up endless possibilities and...
A very special coaching client of mine recently reshared Alex Brogan’s LinkedIn post where he shared Kabir Seghal’s wisdom on “Writing Emails like a Boss” – it was excellently put and very aligned with the business writing work we do with professionals to elevate...
Psychological safety is as important as physical safety, yet many leaders, teams and individuals still don’t take it seriously enough. I think this is a multifaceted problem and persists for a few reasons: 1) A lack of understanding of the threat response, 2) Not...