I recently celebrated my birthday, so I’ve been reflecting a great deal on what I’d like this year of my life to hold. Thinking of today as my last day is a bit too extreme as, honestly, I’d flee the classroom and go off to be with my loved ones instead of facilitating. And we all know this might not be the best thing to do every day :). So, I’ll rather ask you join me in reflecting on what you would do if you knew your days were numbered and you might not see your next birthday. If you think about it… it could be true, none of us knows for sure that we will get another year! Ominous thought? No. I see it as a very empowering thought that makes me ask some critical questions (I’ll share them below) and take very important Key Steps to…
Consider Your Real Purpose
1. What goals are you going to achieve this year? Mine include working less and earning more, completing my book, making a new DVD, increasing my contribution to Noah’s Ark (a NGO feeding children in the Zenzele squatter-camp) and going on two overseas holiday’s. I also always include an item off my bucket-list… this year it will be paragliding from Lion’s head in Cape Town. What goals are you going to achieve this year? Remember when you are setting goals to follow a tried and tested goal setting strategy. If you are not sure of one, contact Candice to find out more about our “Live Your BEST Life: Set & Achieve the SMARTEST Goals’ programme so we can help you make this year count!
2. Who are you going to surround yourself with this year? Do your current relationships support you or hinder you? What are you going to do about that? If you cannot simply move away from ‘bad’ influences, what are you doing to change your attitude and use mind power techniques to rise above their influences. People can only influence you, if you allow them to. Another question is who do you want to attract into your life? Last year I ‘attracted’ the most wonderful man into my life. Now, I have just ‘attracted’ four new, exciting clients simply because I decided who I wanted in my space, visualised it and acted on it.
3. Where do you choose to put your time, money and energy? I am very careful to make sure I meet my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs or life can feel empty. I value my family, my work, exercise and my education, so that’s where I spend my time. I also value wealth so after giving, I save, I invest and then I spend. How do you spend your money? How do you spend your time? Is it squandered at work, instead of drawing clear boundaries and managing your time better? Do you spend it procrastinating and then waste energy worrying because things aren’t done? If you have energy, time or money leaks, plug those holes. It can support you to live on purpose and take Key Steps to…