I’m sure last week’s food for thought (about your Personal Kaizen) got you thinking about some behaviours you’d like to cultivate this year or some goals you’d like to achieve. This week, I’d like us to think about what happens when obstacles are put in the way or we fall down in our efforts to reach our goals. Let’s take Key Steps to ensure you can get back up again, embrace your humanness and…
STOP being your own worst enemy to make 2013 great!
Your Key Steps Coaching for the week ahead:
1. Stop trying to make things perfect and stop being scared to make mistakes. Stop being scared to make a mistake. Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing. Many successes have a trail of failures behind them, and every failure has the potentail to bring you one step closer to success. And we all know that you often end up regretting the things you did NOT do more than the things you did do. Real life does not reward perfectionists; it rewards action!
2. Stop running from your problems. Face them head on, knowing that it’s not likely to be easy or instant. Because our modern world places much emphasis on instant gratification, we can easily fall into the trap of seeking quick fixes to our problems. We need to remember that we aren’t supposed to be able to instantly solve problems in a neat and tidy way – then they wouldn’t be problems, would they? We are human beings not machines. We are made to experience all sorts of emotions so it’s natural to get upset, sad, hurt and to sometimes stumble and fall. One of the main purposes of life is to face problems, learn, adapt and solve them over the course of time. This process ultimately molds us into the person we become. So face your problems, see them as challenges that can help you grow and embrace your humanness. Do this and you can…