Our personal relationships (and even more specifically – our romantic, long-term relationships) are often challenging and go through their ups and downs. I’ve decided to use seven weeks to help us really ‘be the difference that makes the difference’. Last week we covered the first two letters of the word ‘RELATIONSHIPS’, remember them?… REAL and EXCITEMENT. Let’s look at the next two letters and keep taking Key Steps together to…
Nurture Re‘LA’tionships (Part 2)
L – Laugh: Laughter really is the best medicine. Take time to play and have fun together. Dare to be silly.
A – Appreciate: Never take your partner for granted. Say thank you! Find special ways to show your partner you appreciate them. It can be a note in a lunch box, a thoughtful gesture (maybe unexpected flowers, offering to take the kids to school or making a romantic dinner), a meaningful touch or embrace. And ALWAYS remember special occasions and make a point of spending quality time together. It could also be valuable to find out your partner’s love language and appreciate them the way they want to be appreciated.
Now ask yourself, “What are you going to do this week to laugh together and appreciate each other?” It’s often the little things that make the biggest difference! Remember that YOU CAN…