Out with the old and in with the renewed
Welcome back! I hope you had a great festive season and some time to recharge and reflect. I had a quiet one at home with family and friends and a chance to clear out my house – four black bags of clothes and goodies went to charity and two black bags went to paper recycling. Really cleansing and good food for the soul! I’m glad to be back with you feeling lighter and renewed.
Last year I was sent this beautiful New Year’s video clip from a close friend, some of you might remember that I shared it last year but I wanted to share it again as we have so many new members on our database and it is a message I really enjoyed watching again. Click here to view and I trust that you will take wisdom and beauty from this message no matter what religion, race or creed you are as it applies to all of us! Whether you believe in Christ, Buddha, Jehovah or Universal Consciousness, the message translates and, in light of the terrible tragedies and poor leadership decisions we have been faced with recently, we need to stand together against violence, religious wars and ignorance. We need to take Benjamin Franklin’s wise words to heart and be at war with our vices, at peace with our neighbours and ask whether 2016 has found us better people? And will we continue to be better people?
Two months today I am getting married and am so excited to know I will be a wife (to my soulmate) and we will have a new home as a family with my three beautiful step children. It is something exciting to look forward and makes me want to be the best person I can be. So, I hope you’ll join me for a 2016 filled with Key Steps to…