Stress, fear, negativity, too much to do and doing things for others at the expense of our own needs – these all stifle our innate creativity. Relaxation, fun, meditation and going after our dreams all get the creative juices flowing. Soul is always creative, always fresh and new. In order to learn new skills, tap into your potential and ensure that you can keep performing at “work”, you simply MUST take Key Steps to…
Make Time to Play
1. What’s FUN to you? Reading is one of the most fun things I can think of doing. Because I read a great many books for learning and business purposes, it’s easy for me to overlook my soul’s desire to read a novel just for fun. One of my other activities at the top of my list is going out for dinner and dancing with friends is at the top of my FUN list. Maybe reading and dancing are at the top of your fun list too – or you might be able to think of nothing worse. That’s the beauty of choice… It’s up to you. Make a list of at least 3 fun activities you want to do more of.
2. Make Time. How can you create more space in your life to allow the soul’s energy out to play? You might not literally be able to make time but you can choose how you spend the hours you have. Life is so short – you need to decide what’s important to you and manage your time more effectively.