
Lessons from Miami Beach

We are in Miami now. I have wanted to come here for as long as I can remember. I have no doubt that I am going to have the experience of a lifetime and come home with some incredible memories. I also have no doubt that I am going to experience my fair share of plastic, “Ken and Barbie” style living and lots of glamour and glitz. And that’s okay too because it reminds me that I can enjoy all walks of life and all experiences and stay true to myself. Let’s take Key Steps this week together and…

Be authentic

  1. Understand what it actually means to be authentic. I often see that people don’t understand what being authentic is and even stranger is that we actually think we can accurately judge someone else’s authenticity. We can’t. Being authentic is a very personal thing and is not necessarily about heading off to the mountains, forsaking worldly pleasures and singing Kumbaya – unless that is what you genuinely want to do. Because authenticity is associated with not acting like someone else and voicing your own truths. It means NOT being pressured into decisions or judgments by outside influences. It is about trusting YOUR heart and your gut instinct and following it no matter what. When did you last stop and really listen to what that inner voice was telling you to do…? Do it now and you can join us for our Assertive Communication and Conflict Management workshop where we will explore this and take Key Steps to live and work more authentically.
  2. Know your definition of success? This is easier said than done, isn’t it? Is it money? A house? A car? An annual family holiday overseas? Interestingly enough, monetary gains are hardly ever part of the initial definition of success for really successful people. Their definitions usually stem from things like hard-work, education, perseverance, active family engagement and making a difference in the world. But money is often the by-product of a successful life. I am very comfortable sharing that money is a VERY important by-product for me. Well, not the money itself but rather what it allows me to do (educate my family, provide for them, help in my community and have lots of fun in crazy Miami J). I am sure you can guess my real definition of success (hint, it is at the bottom of every email I send you) and it is also what I wish for you this week… that you will come to know your definition of success and…

“be the difference that makes the difference

To learn how to overcome difficult times, set objectives, move your life forward and create the life you deserve, contact Tiffany and book one of our public workshops.




NOTE: The information in my blog may be freely shared and re-used in any online or offline publication, provided it is accompanied by the following credit line: This was written by Dr Sharon King Gabrielides, and originally appeared in her free bi-weekly  ‘Key Steps Food for Thought Blog’ available on the Key Steps website.

Dr Sharon King Gabrielides, EQ Expert, Founder and CEO

Sharon is a dynamic facilitator, speaker and executive coach with over 25 years’ experience in leadership development and organisational transformation. Her PhD thesis contributed a framework for holistic and sustainable leadership development that was published by Rutgers University in the USA. She is faculty of numerous business schools and highly sought-after by leading corporates because she works hand-in-hand with them to create sustainable results and long-term success. In 2020, Sharon was inducted into the Educators Hall of Fame, which is a lifetime achievement award, recognising excellence and her contribution to the field.

Sharon is one of only three women in South Africa to hold the title of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) – the Oscar of the speaking industry. She is also a COMENSA Master Practitioner (CMP), a qualified Modern Classroom Certified Trainer (MCCT™) and an accredited Global Virtual Speaker. Sharon is also a registered Education, Training and Development Practitioner (ETDP), holds an Honours degree in Psychology and practices as an NLP master practitioner.

Most important to Sharon is that she has become known for her genuinely caring manner, practical and transformational approach, and for providing valuable tools and that allow people to take Key Steps to really… ‘be the difference that makes the difference.’

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