Many years of our life can be wasted waiting to finish school, complete our studies, find the ‘right’ job, meet ‘Mr or Mrs Right’, get in-shape, have children, afford the perfect home (and the list goes on and on…). We can easily fall into the trap of thinking that we will be happy when we ‘get something’ or reach a particular milestone only to find that we end up searching for the next stepping stone to the ever elusive notion of ‘happiness’. Let’s break this pattern of insanity; take Key Steps this week with me and…
Choose to Be Happy
1.What are you allowing? If you are not happy with what you already have, how can you expect to become happy by getting more? Instead of expecting that happiness will come to you from the outside, choose to send it out from the inside. If you’ve been waiting for some thing or event or condition before choosing to be happy, there is no need to wait any longer. Go ahead, choose to be happy, and then you’ll move more effectively toward whatever you desire. Having the good and valuable things you desire is not a cause of happiness. It is an expression of happiness. Happiness is not yours when you chase it or put conditions on it. Happiness is yours when you allow it.
2.Be grateful. Choose to be happy and genuinely thankful about who you are, what you’re doing, what you have and where you’re going. And right away, that positive attitude on the inside will begin to build and improve the factors on the outside. Allow happiness, and allow your life to run in a positive, fulfilling direction. If you didn’t start this year off by writing everything you are thankful for, it’s NEVER too late. Start today and week by week you’ll watch your blessings grow exponentially. Let’s choose wisely , live with an attitude of gratitude and take Key Steps to…