How we worked with EY to produce better reports and improve the quality of their business writing
Africa and Mauritius
2-Day Programme
891 Delegates
100% Recommended to Colleagues
The Challenge
EY prides itself on providing insights and quality services to help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and economies all over the world. To do this, it is critical that the quality of their writing reflects the quality of their brand.
Because effective writing is one of the best ways to influence and persuade and so much everyday communication happens in writing, EY wanted to ensure that its people were sufficiently empowered to write professionally and produce high quality reports. This need was spread across various levels and a wide range of functions including Advisory, Assurance, Transactions, Tax and Risk.
The Solution
For four years, Key Steps implemented our practical and experiential programme that takes a step-by-step approach to introduce participants to both style and structure techniques and ways to stretch their thinking and write in-line with current best practice.
In 2015, EY introduced a global writing programme and they approached Sharon to see if she would be prepared to facilitate it. This involved a global train-the-trainer to familiarise Sharon with key elements of the internal training material specifically focused on mitigating risk. This was to ensure participants of the training were enabled to fulfill regulatory requirements, keep investors informed and meet stakeholder needs. Key Steps seldom accepts requests to deliver internal programmes, but the content of the global programme was of an exceptionally high standard and in-line with Key Steps’ own best practice so Sharon led the delivery of this programme for several years.
The Results
There was a notable improvement in the quality not only of the writing but of the insights participant’s were able to achieve.
EY commented that they had never achieved these kinds of results using any other writing programme. The success levels were so high that when a global writing programme was enforced internally, they hoped Key Steps would take up the offer of being the preferred business partner. This was the highest compliment.
The Feedback
Across 891 survey responses, EY participants rated their Key Steps learning experiences as exceptional.
Facilitator’s knowledge
Content relevant and practical
Engaging and practical
Elevated my writing
Key stakeholders could immediately see the improvement in the quality of the writing.
Reviewer time was significantly reduced across all divisions.
Key Steps was approach to deliver EY global programme.
Participants were more confident and able to think and write better.
Engaged the whole class – made the learning experience fun!
Sharon is a brilliant presenter of information. She manages to engage the whole class and make the learning experience fun and valuable. I took away numerous tips and helpful advice on improving document quality and simplifying the technical nature of our reports.
Rudolph van Wyks
Assistant Manager, EY